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About us
О нас - News

Information Technologies Center "Cova" is a public organization that specializes in providing advices and information assistance in the field of Information and communication technologies. Priority directions of the organization is addressing issues related to information support, training on effective use of information and communication technology and promotion of public access to information. The organization is actively involved in issues related to the introduction and development of information and communication technology in the institutions of civil society, public sector and educational institutions in the region. Since the establishment of the organizationit is training qualified specialists in the field of  Information Communication Technology (ICT) for civil society and education sector by providing advices, useful electronic resources, as well as conducting training courses aimed at improving knowledge of the use of modern computer technology. The Center "Kova" collaborates with educational, nonprofit, commercial and governmental organizations.

The missions of "Kova" Center

Promotion of the society in the fields of information and communication technologies and effective use of Center resources in their daily activities.

Aims and objectives of the organization Purpose:

The main goal of the Center "Kova" is a human resource development in IT for bringing conditions for integration of the Republic of Tajikistan to the global information network.


To achieve this goal "Kova" Center implements the following tasks:

  • Support the introduction of IT in the educationprocess in Tajikistan;
  • Promotion of IT in the development of an information network;
  • Promote (support) practical solutions in the informatization and ICT development in Tajikistan;
  • Building information space for the development of distance education (learning);
  • Support in creation of public access points to the Internet

Starting from 2005y, Center "Kova" has implemented the following projects:

  • «Mobile consultants» (e-Riders);
  • Basic computer courses for Sughd Department of Health staff members
  • Center for technical and technological maintenance of secondary school computers
  • Access to public information for inhabitants of the Khujand city
  • Basic computer skills courses for the Customs Officers of Sughd region
  • Effective use of ICT resources", a set of trainings for employees of Khujand local governance office

For more detailed information about the implemented projects "Kova" Center you can find on the page "Our Projects".

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